India has been constantly growing mobilization of resources and introducing new initiatives to improve accessibility and enhance education in the University sector in the last decades and progress has been made with considerable variations [1]. Most universities in both urban and rural areas are striving to achieve good quality education with their major limitations being organizing or accessing a standard laboratory environment and lack of technically skilled personnel in the field of biotechnology education [2]. Also, majority of schools in remote areas lack good teachers, good laboratories and other facilities for teaching [3]. Laboratory experiences are vital components in teaching biology courses to apply the theoretical knowledge to practice, in fields such as biotechnology, physical sciences and chemical sciences. To revolutionize the problems in the current trend of education, virtual laboratories are becoming a new technology that have a promising role in supporting the ed...
This is a blog on some tinkering and other updates running in parallel to our normal study work revolving around Mind Brain Center at Amrita University.
"Don't be discouraged by the impossibility of dispelling darkness from the world with your one little candle. Just light it! Step forward and let it shine with every step you take to help others." - Amma, Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi