I found a "bed-time tales" version of Calculus recently and am thrilled why i did not read it while my school days or atleast in college. The book is titled " What Is Calculus About? " by Warwick Sawyer. http://www.amazon.com/What-Calculus-About-Mathematical-Library/dp/0883856026 Some quotes include: "Mathematicians tend to be uninterested in the engineering applications and ignorant of them. Engineers tend to be ignorant of mathematics since l900 ... I have looked through the 1962 volume of SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) and in the first 350 pages of that, covering about 24 papers, I have tried to access the kind of mathematics being used . . . (Problems in Teaching Mathematics in Schools and Colleges and Universities.)" Another nice one about calculus goes like this "The basic problem of differential calculus is the following: we are given a rule for finding where an object is at any time, and are asked to find out how fast it...
This is a blog on some tinkering and other updates running in parallel to our normal study work revolving around Mind Brain Center at Amrita University.
"Don't be discouraged by the impossibility of dispelling darkness from the world with your one little candle. Just light it! Step forward and let it shine with every step you take to help others." - Amma, Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi